Our parish’s St. John Fisher Council #16499 of the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a parish picnic on
Saturday May 11th from noon to 5 pm at Rock Creek Park in Picnic Area #24.
Picnic Area #24 is located across the street from the Rock Creek Tennis Center, with the entrance at 16th and Kennedy Streets; the Area shares the large parking lot by the Tennis Center.
We have access to the covered pavilion, a stone grill, a playground and swing set, and restrooms. There are about a half dozen tables on the picnic area grounds, all under the pavilion. And the picnic area itself is situated on a field that is large enough for kids to run around on and for picnickers to throw a ball or Frisbee.
The Knights will be providing hamburgers and hot dogs, and sodas to drink. We ask you to bring a dish to share, either a side or dessert.
Need a ride? Email the office and we will try to arrange a lift from a driving fellow parishioner.
Don’t miss the fun!