Join us for a service of sung evening prayer, at 7 PM on October 9th at Immaculate Conception Church.
Renowned Catholic blogger and speaker, Monsignor Charles Pope, a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, will be the preacher at an Evensong and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on October 9 at Immaculate Conception, beginning at 7 pm. Evensong is a much-loved liturgy in the Anglican tradition, and so it is especially fitting that St. Luke’s inaugurate our first annual Novena of Thanksgiving in this manner. The service will be followed by a wine and cheese reception in the school next door. Please join us for this beautiful and solemn form of worship and adoration.
The Novena Prayer of Thanksgiving, to be prayed daily from October 9 to October 18:
Most gracious Lord, whose mercy is over all thy works; we praise thy holy Name that thou hast been pleased to conduct thy servants in safety, though the perils of life’s journey, to the haven of thy Holy Catholic Church, the blessed company of all faithful people. We now desire to return our thanks unto thee for thy holy Church, begging thee to confirm and strengthen it in purity of faith, in holiness of life, and in perfectness of love, and to restore to it the witness of visible unity; and more especially for the gift of the Ordinariate, planted by God, as an instrument of unity, whereof we are members; that in all things it may work according to God’s will, serve him faithfully, and worship him acceptably. And may we remain duly sensible of thy merciful providence towards us, and ever express this thankfulness by a holy trust in thee, and obedience to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saint Luke, pray for us
Blessed John Henry Newman, pray for us.